
Showing posts from June, 2020

Ajanta cave

Ajanta cave is situated in Aurangabaad district( Maharashtra ). There are 30 rock cut Buddhist cave. The date of these cave are 2nd century BC. To about 480 or 650 BC. It is discovered by an army officer in the Madras regiment of the British army in 1819AD. It is the group of 30 rock cut cave. Out of these cave no. 9, 10, 19, 26 and 29 are Chaittyagriha, and remaining caves are vihaara. The early excavations belongs to the Hinayana phase of Buddhism. These caves are datable to the pre- Christian era. The cave no. 10 is earlier from them 2nd century BC. The new excavation could be noticed again during the period of vakatak. The contempories of the imperial Gupta's. The caves were caused to be excavated by Royal patronage and the feudatories under the vakatakas as illustrated by the inscriptions found in the caves. Varahadev the minister of vakatak king Harisena (AD. 475- 500) dedicated cave 16 to the Buddhist sangh. While cave 17 was the gift of a prince. A solitary rashtrakut insc

Archaeological sites in india

Bharhut - the stupa of Bharhut is between Allahabad and Jabalpur situated in the east while Nagor. State of Madhya Pradesh. It was probably around 150 BC..The site was discovered by sir Alexander Cunningham in 1873AD. Some of this stupas remains are kept in Indian museum Calcutta. It is built by Asoka and was later improved by the sungas. This is the oldest stupa railing. This is a sample of the earliest Mauryan art. A lot of yachts and yachts idols are made in it. Here is a statue related to Maya's dream. A women is shown below the Asoka tree, and a picture of a child in her abdomen.  There is also a statue of Lakshmi on it. There is a picture of Maharaja. It is a specimen of the oldest Buddhist sculpture.                                                              There are some picture related to Bharhut stupa.                                                                                   Picture related to Bharhut stupa.  Video related to Bha